What is it…?
Visitors may fish parts of the River Tay in the Aberfeldy area, on purchase of a licence which is available from the Aberfeldy Pet Shop (Pets etc). Specifically the Town waters for Salmon and Trout. The Town waters stretch from just beyond the electricity sub-station to the West of the town to the Caravan site on the East. Licences for the Grandtully area are also available from Pets etc and the Strathtay Post Office.
Phone: 01887 822 797
Facebook: Pets Etc | Aberfeldy | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/petsetcaberfeldynew/
Address: 21, Dunkeld Street, Aberfeldy, PH15 2AA
Alternative Source
Visitor permits for a number of other locations may be obtained from the Pitlochry Angling Club. These are bookable online.
Website: Pitlochry Angling Club Fishing Scotland http://www.pitlochryanglingclub.com/visitors_scot.html