Mobile Banking in Aberfeldy

What is it…?

Since the closure of local bank branches in Aberfeldy, we are served by mobile banking vans of The Bank of Scotland (BoS) and the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS). As at May 20th 2024 RBS visits Monday (14.00-14.50) and Thursday (13.15-14.05) and BoS visits Monday (10.30 – 12.30). Some services are also available from the Post Office. The Website links provided below take you to the respective Bank websites to enable the current timing to be confirmed.


RBS Website: Royal Bank Of Scotland in Aberfeldy – Opening times & address –

BoS Website: Perthshire | Mobile Branch Timetable | Bank of Scotland

Address: RBS van is stationed in the Square, the BoS van is positioned in the Moness Terrace Carpark.