The shed is at Dalweem in Aberfeldy, where men meet to chat and for company. We have a well equipped workshop , where members can undertake personal projects or assist in some of the repairs we carry out for local people.
We are in the process of building an extension to our existing workshop. This will provide much needed toilet and kitchen facilities. Due to our limited space, currently we can’t accommodate many in the workshop. However you are very welcome to pop in for a chat on Tuesdays from 1-3.30pm or Fridays from 1-3.30pm.
Contact Name: Phil Richards or Bill Muntus
E-mail: breadalbanemensshed@gmail.com
Phone: Phil: 07496 758 949 – Bill: 07773 389 085
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/breadalbanemensshed/?locale=en_GB